Thomas Kuhn’s Paradigm Concept and Its Transformation

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  • Erkan BOZKURT Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Eğitimi ABD Uşak, Türkiye



Thomas Kuhn, Scientific Development, Paradigm, Lexicon


Thomas Kuhn, in response to various critics to his account of scientific development in his famous work The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, reconsidered some of his main concepts and conceptions in his post-SSR works. Most important one among these is his famous paradigm concept which has wide influences in many intellectual areas. Kuhn, by using the paradigm concept in multiple meanings, in SSR caused both ambiguity in the concept itself and misunderstandings concerning his account of scientific enterprise. Thus Kuhn’s post-SSR career continues as a process of solving the problems caused by SSR. At the end of this process, Kuhn abandons his paradigm concept and beginning from 1980’s he starts to explain scientific development by language and lexicon of a scientific field. This paper will exhibit the story of how Kuhn came up with the paradigm concept at the first hand and how he changed it afterwards.


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How to Cite

BOZKURT, E. (2018). Thomas Kuhn’s Paradigm Concept and Its Transformation. POSSEIBLE, (12), 65–74.


