Grand/Higher Politics Versus Petty/Lower Politics: Reconsideration of What Politics Means/Political Sphere in Nietzsche

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Grand Politic, Petty Politic, Political Nihism, Übermensch, Culture, War


Nietzsche is a philosopher with a political vision and projection, although not in a systematical manner. Nietzsche, who identifies his political vision and projection with the notion of “grand politics”, constantly attacks the contemporary politics as described or despised by him as “petty politics”. Nietzsche’s political opinions were deeply influenced by the policies of Bismarck and his conception of “grand politics” somehow changed during the course of history. The philosopher attributes new meanings to this concept within the process. While he was using this concept with a negative connotation in the past, he appropriates it later by defining it with a totally new and positive context. What he aims with grand politics is to defeat Europe’s predestined political decadence, to establish a higher and more reliable political culture and to ensure Europe’s dominance over the world. Grand politics defines the political one as an antagonistic character and affirms a war with the political and spiritual nature. In terms of its cultural dimension, grand politics needs to be considered as part of the project called “reconsideration of values” by Nietzsche as an effort to justify life. On the contrary to modern politics which minimizes the will to power, grand politics focuses on increasing the will to power and the creation of higher humans. Grand politics represents the politics of a desirable future to be built rather than todays.



How to Cite

IŞIK, S. (2019). Grand/Higher Politics Versus Petty/Lower Politics: Reconsideration of What Politics Means/Political Sphere in Nietzsche. POSSEIBLE, (15), 7–25.


