The Other as Unknowable: Levinas, Sartre and Husser
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The other, Levinas, Sartre, Husserl, Philosophical AnthropologyAbstract
According to Aristotle, all men desire to know by their nature. One of the most basic knowledge subjects of human is himself/herself, in other words,human. But human, on the way to knowing himself, inevitably, encounters with the unknowable. This unknowable is the other human. The other human, even though he/she is similar to him/her in terms of being a human, stands and surprises him as an entity that can never be fully understood. Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Paul Sartre and Edmund Husserl, as philosophers who desire to know by their nature, have also traced this unknowable and thought about the reasons of this obscurity. In this study, the opinions of these three philosophers on the possibility of knowing the other, will be compared in connection with the philosophical anthropology and so that the causes of this unsolved puzzle which is called as the other will be discussed.
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