Unending Tension: Class or Gender?

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  • Deniz Soysal Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Psikoloji Bölümü




Feminism, Class Society, Millett, Mackinnon, Hooks


What is interrogated in this article is the idea that gender inequality is a product of class society and women liberation is totally bound to the annihilation of class society; so basic struggle must be given against not patriarchy but capitalism. The arguments of Kate Millet, Catherine MacKinnon and Bell Hooks are the basis of this interrogation. Situation of women in socialist, fascist and capitalist societies are compared. Depending on this comparison it is tried to show how women from different classes are discriminated and oppressed in different forms always because of the only fact that they are women and the results of these facts with regard to feminist theory are discussed.


Goldman, W. Z. (1995). Women, State and Revolution, New York: Cambridge University Press.

Hooks, B. (2012). Feminizm Herkes İçindir. E. Aydın, V. Kurt vd. (Çev.). İstanbul: BGST Yayınları.

Mackinnon, K. (2003). Feminist Bir Devlet Kuramına Doğru. T. Yöney ve S. Yücesoy (Çev.). İstanbul: Metis Yayıncılık.

Marcuse, H. (1974). “Marxism and Feminism”. Women’s Studies, Vol. 2., 279-288.

Millett, K. (2000). Cinsel Politika. Seçkin Selvi (Çev.). İstanbul: Payel Yayınevi.

UİB-DE Uluslararası Kadın Sekreterliği, “Erkek Şovenizmi (Maçoluk) ve Mücadele”, Red, Sayı 89, Mayıs 2014-15.



How to Cite

Soysal, D. (2018). Unending Tension: Class or Gender?. POSSEIBLE, (12), 8–18. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7419710




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