Salih Zeki Bey and Philosophy of Science

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Salih Zeki Bey, Henri Poincaré, Alexis Bertrand, Philosophy of Science


In this study, we examined Salih Zeki Bey’s studies in the philosophy of science, a mathematician and one of the founders of Turkish history and philosophy of science. For this purpose, we firstly examined his translations and copyrighted works. Especially the translated books from French into Turkish formed the main axis of our article. The most important works we evaluate in this context are his translations of Poincaré and Bertrand. Poincaré’s philosophical approach has profoundly influenced the understanding of science in the 20th century. In our opinion, Salih Zeki Bey, by introducing this philosophical approach to the Turkish philosophical landscape, played a very important role in the development of the philosophy of science in Turkey. Another important translation by him is a textbook titled Philosophy of Science by Alexis Bertrand. These two works cover more or less all the important topics of philosophy of science, especially the methodology of the time. In addition to these translations, we also looked at his works in the field of logic. Overall, this article shows Salih Zeki Bey’s contributions to Turkish philosophy of science.


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How to Cite

BAŞARAN, V. (2021). Salih Zeki Bey and Philosophy of Science. POSSEIBLE, 10(2), 102–117.


