Thoughts on the Debates About Postmodernism

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  • İlhan TEKELİ Ortadoğu Teknik Üniversitesi Şehir ve Bölge Planlama Bölümü



Postmodernism, Lyotard, Feyerabend, Derrida, Urban Planning


This article essentially is dwelling on the the experienced transition from modernism to postmodernism in the World. Important changes in understanding of science are occuring while a transition from modernizm to postmodernizm is realized. Behind this transition there is multidimentional insufficiencies created by the transition from industrial society to knowledge society within the World. Two of these insufficiencies are intrested in this article; namely, changes in the qualities of freedom demands, and emerging epistemologic representation crises. These subjects are handled, from different point of view, by three post modernists contirbutions; Feyerabend, Lyotard and Derrida’s. The most important developments are realized in the understanding of science while transition from modernism to postmodernizm is experienced. Feyerabend’s pluralistic understanding of science which proposes simultaneous existence of multiple traditions, with Lyotard’s language games based, open only to local determination possibilities and accepting the importance of parolojic processes in the progress of science and at the end Derrida’s approach that accepts interpretation of texts are continuously changing and undecidebilities in these texts has a tendency of disseminate, are pointing different axis or channels of scientific development . In practice a multichannel development is taking place. In the end of this article, what kind of changes in the practice of urban planning will be predicted as a result of postmodernist developments.



How to Cite

TEKELİ, İlhan. (2017). Thoughts on the Debates About Postmodernism. POSSEIBLE, (10), 8–19.



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