On Thinking the Spatial Turn in Relational Perspective

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Spatial turn, space, cultural turn, representation crisis


This study focuses on the spatial turn which has been frequently discussed in recent years. It tries to explain basic causes bringing the spatial turn into the forefront in social theory. The study defends that the spatial turn is outcome of nonconventional explanation frameworks those corresponding to discipliner matrix and therefore it has diverse meanings at disciplinary level. Due to this differentiating character, it claims, the spatial turn should be thought in relational perspective. In this regard, rather than being an alternative to the overemphasizing of time, it should be considered as outcome of nonconventional approaches in social science and humanities. The study points to the fact that rather than existence of unique and uniform space insight and definition, there are plenty of ambiguous and ambivalent space definitions in concept of spatial turn. Therefore, the study suggests thinking the spatial turn in relation with other “turns” and the representation crisis in social theory. For that reason, the study aims to evaluate relationship between spatial turn and other “turns” such as cultural turn, linguistic turn and mobility turn respectively, and reveals its correlation with representation crisis.


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How to Cite

Kaygalak, İrfan. (2022). On Thinking the Spatial Turn in Relational Perspective. POSSEIBLE, 11(1), 27–50. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7415934


