Beauvoir, Existentialism And Infinite

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Beauvoir, Existentialism, meaning of life, infinite, Hegel


In this article, Simone de Beauvoir’s claim, as she defended in her work Pyrrhus and Cineas, that the meaning of human life cannot be found in any form of infinite, is examined. Beauvoir questions the ways in which man searches for meaning in the infinite. Infinity
can appear in three different forms as God, humanity and the Spirit as presented by Hegel. Beauvoir examines each of these alternatives to see whether any one of them fits with the basic principles of her own existentialism. According to her, these different forms of the infinite contradict the basic existential freedom of man and therefore are not suitable to be determined as the meaning of life in the metaphysical sense.


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How to Cite

SOYSAL, D. (2023). Beauvoir, Existentialism And Infinite. POSSEIBLE, 12(1), 20–32.




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