The Problem of Language in Descartes’ and Leibniz’s Rationalist Philosophy

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Rationalism, Philosophy of language, Leibniz, Descartes, Universal language.


Since philosophers of the early modern period focused on the study of knowledge, they were also forced to explore language as a means of expressing and transmitting knowledge. The purpose of this study is to analyze the views on language of such rationalist thinkers as René Descartes and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and determine their contribution to subsequent language research. Our research has shown that three main themes can be distinguished in the linguistic views of the early rationalists: views on the functions and problematic aspects of natural languages (1), the project of a universal language capable of ideally expressing information (2), and the idea of language as a special ability representing the human mind and spirit (3). Our research has shown that the views of the early rationalists influenced the development of modern and recent philosophy of language, linguistics, as well as information theory.


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How to Cite

NESTEROVA COŞKUN, S. (2023). The Problem of Language in Descartes’ and Leibniz’s Rationalist Philosophy. POSSEIBLE, 12(1), 55–71.


