Plato’s Concept of Dialogue in the Context of Pierre Hadot’s Conception of “the Ethics of Dialogue”: A Potential Solution

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Knowledge, dialogue, the ethics of dialogue, Hadot, Plato


Most of the problems in Plato’s dialogues are still relevant today and the form in which they are discussed is just as important as the discussions. The fact that these discussions are in the dialogue form is a pivotal indicator for the general characteristic of Plato and as well as the Ancient Greek philosophy.

In this article, it is asserted that Plato’s conception of dialogue is a moral necessity for the establishment of a philosophical debate as well as every kind of rational interrelationship. Alongside, it is argued that one of the main elements which gives rise to the discussions concerning the dissolution of truth today is caused by the alienation from the genuine dialogue. The solution of this problem is argued in the context of Pierre Hadot’s “the ethics of dialogue” concept. 


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İnternet Kaynakları Erişim: 22.12.2022. Erişim: 22.12.2022. Erişim: 22.12.2022.



How to Cite

SAYIN, B. (2023). Plato’s Concept of Dialogue in the Context of Pierre Hadot’s Conception of “the Ethics of Dialogue”: A Potential Solution . POSSEIBLE, 12(1), 72–87.


