Pandemic, Deconstruction and Chance

Thoughts on the Fragility of the World

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Pandemic, Deconstruction, Chance, World, Anthropocene, Tele-technologies


A common idea about the emergence of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the disorders it caused can be expressed as follows: A virus has come and brought great turmoil to the world. But we know that in fact the virus did not happen to the great purity or innocence of our civilization. On the contrary, it took place within the civilization and turned into a pandemic under the current conditions of civilization. Moreover, the bodies are also harmed because of the vulnerability. The pandemic has shown us once again our fragility. However, the pandemic has not only brought destruction. It brought with it many questions about our being together and our being in the world. If the existence of unlimited violence against the world is among these questions, our chance will also be related to our effort to go beyond our current relationship with the world. In this article, we try to make a philosophical inquiry into the pandemic by going through different ways. In this paper we note that deconstruction offers opportunities to consider both the pandemic and the possibilities of another relationship with the world. While our study tries to draw attention to the fact that the pandemic as a demolition and a question takes place in a context, it reminds that the experience of the pandemic is co-determined by tele-technological networks, on the other hand, it associates a chance for the future with thinking beyond the violence that the Anthropocene concept also indicates. Our chance lies in rethinking our modalities of being in the world.


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How to Cite

ERTUĞRUL, T. (2023). Pandemic, Deconstruction and Chance: Thoughts on the Fragility of the World. POSSEIBLE, 12(1), 33–54.


